
NGO Network

European NGO Network on Green Public Procurement

2016 - 2019

Why join the network?

Environmental NGOs have knowledge and experience with many of the environmental issues addressed by GPP criteria, such as hazardous substances, waste management, energy efficiency etc, and therefore represent vital stakeholders when promoting GPP.

The objective of the NGO Network is to increase the uptake of GPP through the EU by building NGO capacity to support public authorities.

Who is part of the network?

Currently, the European Network on GPP comprises around 30 networks from all around Europe. More info is available on the website.

What support is provided?

Types of general support available include (but are not restricted to):

  • General assistance through directing members to relevant information sources, organisations or other sources of information on GPP such as information on good practice, guidance etc.
  • Legal support, which seeks to facilitate the inclusion of GPP aspects into specific tenders/procurements.
  • Use of Procurement Forum as a platform for exchange on the topic
  • Assistance to strategically link NGOs work to GPP (e.g. on waste, transport, food, energy etc)

Types of specific, financial support available (but are not restricted to) is given for the organisation of meetings ⟨training, awareness raising, workshops); interpretation; expert input (travel/accommodation)⟩; guidance (design, translation) etc.