

Water-Resilient Cities: Adapting to climate extremes

17 July 2024, 11:00 - 12:00

ICLEI Europe’s webinar series for Members explores different ways European cities are making sustainability a reality. Webinars happen once a month from 11:00–12:00 CEST.

Join us for an insightful webinar on water-related risks to explore the challenges and solutions associated with managing floods and droughts in urban areas. Representatives from our member organizations will share their experiences and best practices, providing valuable insights into effective strategies for enhancing urban resilience. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from leading voices in the field and engage in meaningful discussions on how we can build more water-resilient cities together.

Register here.

This event is for city professionals and representatives of ICLEI Members only (staff and elected officials working within the city). If your organisation is not a member of ICLEI and is interested in applying for ICLEI membership, please go to join ICLEI.